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Types & Varieties of Avocados

The three main types of avocados—West Indian, Guatemalan, and Mexican—vary in size, color, andfl esh. West Indian varieties have leathery, pliable, nongranular skin and have low oil content. The skin ofGuatemalan varieties ranges from thin to very thick, and granular. Mexican varieties have high oilcontent (up to 30%) with thin and tender skin. They are also more cold-resistant yet the least tolerant ofsalt. The least cold tolerant are West Indian types, yet they have a high salt tolerance. Salt tolerance isimportant as soil salinity can reduce fruit yields.
Popular hybrids include Guatemalan-West Indian and Guatemalan-Mexican. Pure Guatemalanavocados are not conducive to Florida growing conditions, but Guatemalan-West Indian hybrids thrive inthe state. Hass avocados are perhaps the most recognizable variety of the Guatemalan-Mexicanhybrids.
Florida avocados can be described as more aqueous and are known for having less fat and calories likethe well-marketed Slimcado. Some avocado-purveyors equate higher fat content with better fl avor;regardless, production in Mexico, as well as Central and South America continues to surge to meetdemand throughout North America and the rest of the world.


The Cultivation of Avocados

West Indian avocados are most suited to tropical climes with high humidity, such as southern Florida.Guatemalan avocados are successful in warm climates with less humidity, such as the California coast.Mexican avocados are the hardiest of the three and most prominent in California, able to handletemperatures as low as 25°F but do not respond well in tropical climates.

Windbreaks are necessary in areas of strong wind as it reduces humidity, dehydrating flowers andcausing fruit to fall prematurely. Despite its many prerequisites for climate, the avocado tree does well inmost any type of soil, but good drainage is required. Trees should be spaced 25 feet to 35 feet apartdepending on soil type. Branches will die back if touching another tree. Upper soil should stay moist andfertilizing must wait until after blooming when the fruit is firmly set.

Avocado trees can grow up to 60 feet tall or higher, though such height is impractical for commercialproduction (many growers cut trees back to 16 to 18 feet, then allow them to reach up to 30 feet beforecutting back again). Developing avocados are heavy and may require propping up branches to avoidbreakage.

An inhibitor in the fruit stem prevents avocados from ripening on the tree. Though many would presumethat when the fruit starts to fall off the tree it is mature, maturity is generally determined by weight and oilcontent. In Florida, harvest is tied to calendar dates as these varieties tend to have lower oil content.


Storage & Packaging of Avocados

Optimum temperature for mature green avocados (depending on variety) is 41 to 55°F and 36 to 40°Ffor ripe fruit with 90 to 95% relative humidity. Avocados produce ethylene after harvest, which increasessignificantly as they ripen.

Treating avocados with ethylene can induce ripening in 3 to 6 days depending on the variety andmaturity. Controlled atmospheres will delay softening and reduce ethylene production.


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“As quantum mechanics developed further, it turned out that there were a large number of things which were not directly encompassed in the Schrödinger equation—such as the spin of the electron, and various relativistic phenomena. The mathematics that is involved is particularly simple, involving simple algebraic operations and no differential equations or at most only very simple ones.”

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“But they are, we assure you, by all odds the simplest parts—in a deep sense of the word—as well as the most basic parts. This is frankly a pedagogical experiment; it has never been done before, as far as we know.The mathematics that is involved is particularly simple, involving simple algebraic operations and no differential equations or at most only very simple ones.”

Jack McKinney